Monday, 30 April 2012

25th anniversary mini wip and some sanguinary priests

OK after having left this at my FLGS last week by accident I got my 25th anniversary Imperial fist back on the bench this weekend and made some headway into the banner. More of the detail has been filled in, a gloss varnish applied and an oil wash. On the home stretch with this one now. Need to finish the base detail and the orks head and then decide if I want to do any source lighting around the plasma pistol....undecided on that at the moment.

Next up are a couple of Sanguinary Priests on the bench, one is the Corbulo model who is probably on his 5th paint scheme now :) For some reason I really don't like painting this mini. I don't especially like the pose but I have had him for years and is pretty much part of my Blood Angels furniture so to speak. He has had his armour detail pretty much done and an oil wash as well which was then cleaned up. Just need to do his face and hair now and he will be pretty much there.

Lastly a jump pack Sanguinary Priest kit bashed from the Death Company sprues. Painted using the same technique as Corbulo.

Thanks for looking.

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

25th anniversary mini update

Work hath started on the banner. Hopefully have it finished in the next couple of nights.

Monday, 23 April 2012

25th Anniversary mini update and Storm Raven WiP pics

A couple of update pics for my 25th anniversary mini done in Imperial Fist colours. Quite happy with the way this is turning out as I have not painted yellow in a long time. The mini is essentially finished now. He needs a coat of satin varnish to seal the oil wash and some text details on the various scrolls but I can start working on the banner now and finish of the base details, There are some skulls and shell casings that need picking out.

And next up just a few WiP shots of my Storm Raven. Want to get this done and dusted and off the project shelf and onto the gaming table so will try and finish her tonight. She has been satin varnish so is ready for the final washes to really pop the shadows out and compliment the highlights. Then I need to sort something out for the turret. I am not a fan of the manned turret it comes with so am thinking of ways to change it at the moment.

I have given the pilot a HUD for a bit of fun. It was painted using clear green paint.

Lastly a quick shot of the interior detail. And also a reminder to me that I need to finish the searchlights off at the front.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

25th anniversary 40K mini

I picked up one of the Warhammer 40K 25th anniversary mini's from my FLGS when they were released. Thankfully my finecast sculpt was actually very good, just the usual flash lines to clean up, no malformed parts and no bubbling that I could see.

I want to be able to display the model on its presentation base or on a normal round base for gaming if required. This means magnets. I have drilled to pin holes to guide the mini in and keep it more secure.

On the underside of the mini are also corresponding magnets and the pins.

So the assembled mini sits correctly.

On to getting some paint on him. I have decided to go for an Imperial Fist colour scheme rather than the expected Crimson Fists. I like the challenge of painting yellow and I have in the back of my mind the possibility of building an Imperial Fist list at some point. The only challenge to the mini this means is that I will have to fill in the "Crimson Fists" name on the banner when I come to painting it. No biggy.

The colour scheme. I have undercoated with Vallejo Grey Polyurethane primer. I love this stuff, it goes on silky smooth through the airbrush and preserves all of the details.  I have then airbrushed the whole mini in Vallejo Game Colour Plague Brown. After that I used VGC Sunblast Yellow applied at a 45 degree angle to create the main tone. Then VGC Bald Moon yellow was airbrushed almost vertically to give a stronger highlight. Looking at the resultant finish I think I will go back afterwards and do something I haven't done since I bought my airbrush. I am going to apply an extreme highlight. I think a very light yellow extreme highlight will lift the model a bit and once it has been varnished and then oil washed should settle into a lovely finish.

The base has been PVA'd and a couple of grades of sand applied to fill the whole base out. The same colours have been applied to the damaged helmet and shoulder pad. I will battle damage them more later.

Monday, 16 April 2012

Back on the desk

After a hectic couple of months running a large paintball event I am back on the desk. Will post up a few more Storm Raven pics tonight as well as some things I will be working on in the coming weeks.
