Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Hmm, I don't think I am going to complete my challenge

OK so my Bolter and Chainsword Librarium Painting Challenge is due tonight.

My list to paint was

1x 5 man assault squad (90% done)
1x Furioso Dreadnaught (80% done)
1x Mephiston (70% done)
1 x drop pod (DONE!! \o/)

As you can see from the progress list I am probably not going to get all that done tonight :( Ooops

Oh well for your viewing pleasure here is my Mephiston WiP

Thursday, 18 March 2010

Dreadnaught started, starting to run out of time too!!

Some paint down on the Furioso

Starting to think I may run out of time....13 days left of the challenge and an estimated 40 hours worth of painting to do.

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Drop Pod with ramps open

Oops completely forgot to post this. Noticed a couple of patches on the ramps which I have since corrected.

Monday, 1 March 2010

Drop pod finished!

Drop pod finally done!!!

Forgot to take a photo with the ramps down so will do so tonight